Stay Updated
Third-party Integration Improvements
- Added Support for Iframes and PDFs in lightbox link
- Added better compatibility with Third-party plugins which add toolbar items to Gutenberg
- Added better compatibility with Third-party themes Row block rendering
- Added new filter `nectar_custom_font_list` to allow manual addition of custom fonts from external sources
- Fixed Size Control value issue
- Fixed Scrolling Marquee block duplication issue
- Fixed Updater to decrease checks
- Fixed Global Section in header nav bug
- Fixed Post Grid off by one error
Hotfix for Source Map
- Fixed 404 on swiper source map
Custom Fonts and Page-Specific CSS/JS
- Added ability to upload and manage custom fonts
- Added page-specific CSS and JS code editors
- Added support for external video sources
- Added WooCommerce 9.2.x compatibility
- Fixed the license registration in the plugin options panel to sync correctly from changes in the Nectarblocks app
- Fixed meta viewport tag when using the "no header/footer" page templates
- Fixed HTML validation errors from animation data attributes
- Fixed false positive warning from CleanTalk WP security plugin
- Updated DOM markup generation to reduce unnecessary tags for cleaner code/better performance
- Updated CDN usage and instead embeds external CSS/JS via local scripts
Stability and Maintenance
- Added compatibility for WooCommerce 9.1.0
- Added functionality to scroll "Post Grid" to the top of the block when loading posts via numbered pagination
- Added new styling for post tags on single post template
- Fixed conflict with "All In One SEO" plugin
- Fixed hosting issue which caused dynamic CSS to not save correctly.
- Fixed issue with "Carousel" block where in some cases autoplay would not start.
- Fixed Google fonts to not make request when no Google fonts are selected
- Fixed "Post Grid" block pagination endpoint URL which could fail in some instances
- Updated "Task Horizon" demo import to work better when Nectarblocks theme is not active
Blending Modes
- Added Blending mode selection to "Effect / Transforms" block control
- Added "Strength" configuration option for Smooth Scrolling theme setting
- Added compatibility with WooCommerce v9.0
- Fixed Post Grid block ⟶ "Featured Post" preset values to use correctly column number on tablet display
- Fixed "Permanent Transparent" header navigation effect theme option to correctly render image logos
- Fixed Global Section rendering when WPBakery plugin in enabled
- Fixed WPForms block width on frontend render
- Fixed theme Header Navigation ⟶ AJAX quick search to correctly render reveal animation
- Updated Header Navigation ⟶ Search navigation styling
Siteground Hosting Compatibility
- Fixed conflict with SiteGround Hosting → Site Scanner false positive for "Malware".
Auto Updates and Bug Fixes
- Added feature to enable auto updates when license key is activated
- Fixed meta Post Options to display when editing posts/pages
- Fixed Global Section previews layout
- Fixed padding of content when using a contained header width
- Fixed theme content width for minimal content is displayed
- Fixed editor stylesheet from loading on front-end
- Fixed responsive tool bar in widget editor
Public Release
After months of closed beta testing, we're thrilled to officially launch Nectarblocks to the public! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the beta. We're excited to embark on this next chapter with our growing community!
- Fixed global colors in templates
- Fixed PHP and WP requires info in theme
- Fixed subscription cancelation pop up and cancelation after already canceled
- Fixed smooth scrolling in android
- Fixed React-Tabs for React v17 used in older WP versions
New Templates
- Added templates from demos to template library
- Fixed Device Type deprecation functions for Wordpress 6.4
- Fixed color inheritance for Icon List block
- Fixed Typography List separator display issue
“Nectar Solutions” Demo Template
- Added new importable demo template: Nectar Solutions
- Added new Video Lightbox block inline text styling
- Added link to Customizer theme options from the Nectarblocks admin panel
- Added search for Nectarblocks documentation
- Fixed Column block to hide fully when setting display none in responsive modes
- Fixed Theme mobile menu breakpoint
- Fixed Z-index control JS error in editor when removing value
- Fixed Accordion block typography rules to override render tag correctly
- Fixed Text mask to render correctly on older versions of Webkit browsers
- Fixed Divider block to render size correctly in editor
- Fixed block scroll position animations on iOS devices
- Fixed Row block preview JS console warning
- Fixed Post Grid block pagination styling
- Fixed Video Lightbox block to save custom text correctly
- Fixed Customizer Theme options responsive device selector to trigger correctly
- Fixed Modern Boxes Colorful template
- Fixed all post types saving nectar meta css
- Fixed preview CSS saving before preview window opens
- Fixed global color reassignment algorithm for frontend
- Fixed customizer Device Types and deprecated APIs
- Updated i18n languages: Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Korean, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, Czech
- Updated Wordpress packages
Single Post Layout Options
- Added ability to set render tag on Accordion block
- Added Gutenberg 18.2+ compatiblity
- Added new blog single post options in theme
- Added "reveal" option to animation block control
- Fixed Nectarblocks Responsive Toolbar behaving correctly when using the new WP responsive buttons
- Fixed typo for URL in theme updater
- Fixed Sidebar for Gutenberg 18.2+
- Fixed Nectar Images not rendering for Post Featured Image media library
- Fixed Divider block animations to render on frontend
- Fixed Row block min height calculations
- Fixed plugins to display Nectarblocks icons in WP admin plugin list
- Fixed italic font weights to render correctly
- Fixed delay JS execution theme option to correctly open menu on first click
- Updated Google font list
- Updated plugin WP and PHP required + tested versions
- Updated API calls for set/get device in WP editor to allow for graceful deprecation fallback
Scrolling Marquee Vertical Mode
- Added Vertical Mode to Scrolling Marquee block
- Added Aspect Ratio option to Flexbox block
- Added Significantly better logging platform and cleans up production logging
- Added theme option for Accent Text Color
- Fixed Pattern/Reusable blocks CSS saving
- Fixed Nectarblocks ID and custom IDs duplication resolving algorithm
- Fixed container blocks to render with same markup in editor as on front end
- Fixed Flash of Global Section Footer from showing on page load
- Fixed Media Library last selected tab
- Fixed Media Library search bugs
- Fixed dynamic CSS to save correctly when using custom ID on Row block
- Fixed JS error when adding/removing Image block alignment
- Fixed Safari image rendering when using custom size for width/height
- Fixed scrolling marquee missing display BC options
- Updated Nectarblocks block list in editor
- Updated Editor vs Render CSS generator
Demo Importer and Import/Export Plugin
- Added Import/Export plugin to allow for easy theme and plugin data transfer
- Added Demo Importer with 2 pre-made demos "Task Horizon" (Web App) and "Phoenix Falls" (Cafe)
- Added option to auto-rotate the Tabs block
- Added ability to set a custom rendering tag for all Container blocks
- Added presets to Button block
- Added better UI for selecting Row block size (Full width / Contained)
- Fixed icon select block control to remember which source was last used when re-opening the icon picker
- Fixed Image Gallery block → scrollbar option to render correctly
- Fixed Block element preview animations to render correctly when using a dark color scheme
- Fixed Accordion block to allow clicking on inner links with each section
- Fixed Text block animations when loading a page from an already scrolled position
- Fixed missing string translations
- Fixed Image block effects selector
Automatic Updates for Themes and Plugins
- Added Flexbox: Link Control
- Added External Theme Updater
- Added option to specify Z-index on Background Color/Image block controls
- Added Functionality to sync theme Customizer palette with Nectarblocks global color settings
- Added Border Radius/Border block control to Text block
- Added Spin effect to Image block
- Fixed Text block dynamic CSS to generate correct when a Custom ID is set
- Fixed Testimonial Block to render animations and custom colors correctly
- Fixed Parallax scroll effect image sizing and pre-initialized state
- Fixed Block Scroll Position animations "Pin While Animating" option to calculate correctly when using anchor links
- Fixed Header navigation opacity theme Customizer setting to work correctly
- Fixed conflict with Block animations and theme Off-canvas menu
- Fixed Image size size/alignment to work correctly
- Fixed Hover styles to only take effect on Desktop viewports
- Fixed Post Grid block to render scroll animations correctly
- Fixed Header navigation logo default coloring
- Customizer backend library update and increased stability
Carousel and Testimonial Blocks
- Added Block: Carousel.
- Added Block: Testimonial.
- Added category tabs for all block settings (Layout, Style, Motions / Fx) for easier navigation.
- Added option to set Perspective for in block transforms/animations.
- Added option to set Rotate X/Y/Z for in block transforms/animations.
- Added general Mask effect options to block Motion/Fx settings.
- Added Text Block mask option to clip text to background layer.
- Fixed Template Library previews to render correctly when Gutenberg plugin is enabled.
- Fixed Nectarblocks editor toolbar from being hidden when editing synced block patterns.
- Fixed Text animations to function correctly after resizing screen.
- Fixed Template Library → search results to show message when no results are found.
- Fixed Template Library previews to render correctly when Gutenberg plugin is enabled.
- Fixed Nectarblocks editor toolbar from being hidden when editing synced block patterns.
- Fixed Position: Sticky to work when used on full width Row blocks.
- Fixed Row block display hidden to work correctly on all devices.
- Fixed Flexbox Block width in editor to match front end.
- Fixed Text block animations to render when used in top-level Row.
- Fixed Nectarblocks theme header navigation text logo to inherit custom color scheme.
- Fixed Nectar Toolbar disappearing under certain conditions
- Fixed Post Grid scroll attributes not being minified
- Fixed Post Grid attribute naming breaking presets
- Updated Block Animation Performance: Lazy load animations.
- Updated Block Animations → 3D Transforms to use perspectives when needed.
Icon List and Star Rating
- Added Block: Icon List
- Added Block: Star Rating
- Added Global Sections Post Type
- Added Display Conditions to Global Sections
- Added Category-specific coloring to Blog
- Fixed Template Library search button resetting field instead of searching
- Fixed i18n language bug
- Fixed Accordion Block: clashing WP class name
- Fixed Default paragraph spacing
- Fixed Header Layout: "Menu Bottom Bar" logo to render correctly
- Updated Google font list
- Updated Background Controls: DOM nodes decreased by 10-15% overall
Dynamic CSS for Drafts
- Added new template "Modern Colorful Boxes" to Template Library
- Fixed issue with dynamic CSS not syncing with "Draft" and "Scheduled" post previews
Bug Fixes and Maintenance
- Added Filter to override logo
- Added ability for Image block to use transforms when animations are set
- Added compatibility with "Salient" WordPress theme > Global sections feature
- Fixed meta viewport
- Fixed animated anchor links to work
- Fixed default footer widget/copyright setup
- Fixed default submit button height
- Fixed legacy menu style which increased OCM size
- Fixed transparent header CSS issues
- Fixed iOS specific Swiper bug to not display imgs at 100% of vh
- Fixed milestone to only run count animation one time
- Fixed iOS specific scroll issue when using text animations/fit text
- Fixed Divider block animations - defaults selector to self for any blocks which omit
- Fixed Tabs dynamic CSS stray bracket which caused other rules to fail
- Fixed Tabs Min Width option not resetting in resp mode
- Fixed header logo calculation
- Fixed autoplay video to only trigger once
- Fixed resize issue with code editors in admin panel
- Fixed responsive bug with animation breakpoints
- Fixed height jump/flash on first tab change
- Fixed text highlight animation re-triggering infinite times
- Fixed Tabs block to switch to tab which is scrolled to when using a horizontal layout
- Fixed editor to inherit "Overall BG Color" from Nectarblocks theme > customizer setting
- Fixed layering issue with Column block resize handles
- Rewrote AutoComplete component
Flexbox, Accordion, and Tabs
- Added Block: Tab
- Added Block: Accordion
- Added Block: Flex Box
- Added Block Control: Custom Block ID
- Added Template Library: Pagination, Pagination, Rendering Improvements
- Added more templates to the Template Library
- Fixed Image srcset output
- Fixed Customizer Typography
- Fixed Sizing Field: Box Model
- Fixed SizeSelect bugs
- Fixed FontClamp selector bugs
- Updated WP Gutenberg Libraries
- Updated Plugin notifications
- Updated Lucides icons
- Updated Remix icons
- Updated Swiper
New Templates and Documentation
- Added more documentation
- Added new templates to Template Library
- Fixed scroll position animation globally in all blocks
- Fixed editor BG color in new gutenberg
- Fixed theme defaults on first load before saving in customizer
- Fixed welcome guide pagination coloring
- Fixed data copying issues
- Fixed missing animation data attrs to icon element
- Welcome guide redesigned
- Admin panel redesigned
- Theme
Video Lightbox, and CSS Minification
- Added Block: Video Lightbox
- Added new templates to Template Library
- Added Nectarblocks Theme
- Added Authentication System
- Added CSS Minification
- Added new column/row icons
- Fixed Icon block animation data
- Fixed Textbox transforms
- Fixed button spacing unit tests, selectors
- Fixed video autoplay
- Fixed Video placeholder line height fix
- Fixed Button border radius fix
- Fixed default overflow
- Fixed Full pass on block preview examples
- Fixed Editor max width for base theme calcs
- Fixed Box model number input display
- JS View script
- JS dependency extraction
- Post Grid Block: WP data fetching
Post Grid, Divider, & Video Blocks
- Added Block: Divider
- Added Block: Milestone
- Added Block: Post Grid
- Added Block: Video
- Added Block Control: Overflow
- Added Block Control: Alignment
- Fixed Element icons
- Updated WP Gutenberg Libraries
- Updated Swiper version
Animation System
- Block: Marquee
- Duotone features
- Block Control: Animation
- Column flex wrap
- Spacing BC selectors
- Object pointer bugs
- Text Block Copy/Page bug
- WP Gutenberg Libraries
- Swiper version
- Text Block: Animations
- Video BG - added opacity
Meet the Template Library
- Block: Image
- Block Control: Display Simple
- Block Control: Size
- Block Control: Effects
- Block Control: Transform
- Template Library
- Lottie block previews
- Opacity Selector
- Block Control: Position
- Block Control: Boarder
Image Gallery
- Block Control: Display
- Block Control: Border Radius
- Block: Image Gallery
- Block: Text
- Welcome guide
- Image Gallery improvements
- Block Control: Position
- Block Control: Boarder
Unsplash Images
- Admin Panel
- Block Control: Link
- Block Control: Border Radius
- Block: Image Gallery
- onHover status
- Nectar Images with Unsplash
- Pretty much everything
Global Typography
- Block Control: Typography
- Spacing/Responsive controls rewrite
Structure and Foundational Elements
- Global Typography API
- Global Color API
- Blocks: Column
- Blocks: Row
- Block Control: Background(s) (Color, Image, Video, Shape)
- Attribute Waterfall
Nectarblocks is Born!
- Project creation
- Responsive toolbar buttons
- Base styles
- Block: Button
- Block Control: Spacing
- Block Control: Alignment
- Global Typography Components
- Global Color Components
- Nectar Sidebar