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In Progress

Image grid

A customizable grid to display your images in with various masonry layouts and Lightbox functionality.

WooCommerce demo

A modern, pre-made shop website showcasing the Nectarblocks shop functionality.

Taxonomy grid block

A block that can query taxonomies and display them in a stylish / customizable grid.

Dynamic data system

Display data pulled from custom sources in blocks with support for ACF.


Portfolio demos

Utilizing dynamic data, showcase stunning examples of Portfolio websites.

Lottie block

Incorporate and manipulate Lottie animations.

Navigation builder

Add functionality to utilize Nectarblocks for navigation creation to unlock fully custom layouts, icons & buttons.

Page Transitions

Modern animations when navigating between pages based on the View Transitions API.

Future Ideas

Dark mode

The option to toggle Nectarblocks into a dark color scheme.

WooCommerce block set

Specialized blocks for WooCommerce products queries, categories and more.

Spline block

Add spline objects directly into the editor to create immersive 3D experiences.

Custom hover targets

Select a custom block to trigger the hover state of another block.

Recently Completed

Custom font uploading

The ability to upload custom fonts, which will be available for selection in the global settings.

Custom code per page

The ability to add custom CSS / JS that will only run on the current page.

Blending modes

Add the full range of CSS blending modes to the ‘Effects’ block control, making it available for every block.

RTL/i18n improvements

Improved RTL styling for blocks and translation refinement from native speakers.

Markup optimization

Optimize the number of DOM nodes saved, using only the minimum required based on the settings.

Video lightbox

A highly customizable lightbox to trigger videos in a modal when clicked.

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